As someone who has chosen the most boring means of artistic expression - WORDS - I'm trying to make text more interesting. You can click around and read about the good, the bad, and the ugly life I am living in Berlin. Not that it is particularly interesting, but who knows, maybe you've been scrolling TikTok for hours, and need a new way to procrastinate.

*For people I want to work for: This is not true, my life is totally interesting and writing is a very valid craft, I am just trying to appeal to my audience. I also would never watch TikToks for hours or procrastinate.

Pee 4 free. Pissing is a human right.

Men basically piss all over. Women* often have to pay a price. Hence, I appreciate hospitality staff who actively take a stand against the pee pink tax, and find those who don't, irritating.


Here I could pee 4 free.


Here I had to pay to pee.





Nov 25 – International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women


Nica’s Sounds


Where is youth culture heading?

What is youth culture right now?

What was youth culture?

What is youth culture?

Yara is a writer and conceptual artist based in Berlin. She has lived in various countries and has wanted to exchange her Austrian passport for a world citizenship for as long as she can remember. As a socialist feminist, she critically and intersectionally addresses structural problems with her work, while trying not to be cynical, because she believes that self-righteous rhetoric doesn't encourage social progress. The accessibility of her writing is important to her and she likes to use simple language, because snobbery and the narrative "general education=intelligence=better" is a form of discrimination too. Currently she is working as a freelance writer, in art communications and on her first novel.

I am offering a 25,-- flat rate for angry text messages, emails and letters. (Depending on your financial means, I am happy to talk about a discount or help for free.)

A lot of people struggle to rant. I am here to help. Regardless of who you have to complain to: public authorities, your employer, a friend, … I can help you to phrase an email, a text message or a letter, stating everything you are struggling to say. If you find yourself in a situation where you have the power to rant, without threatening your existence it is a huge privilege, if people actually listen, it’s an even bigger one. Speaking up is hard, but it’s a way to change things, so if you safely can, I am more than happy to help you find the right words. (I am only writing complaints that align with my ethical and moral beliefs.)

Why am I qualified?

It would make me rather uncomfortable to publish my large essay and rant collection, because I am trying to stay positive. However, if you find yourself hating your gentrifying neighbour, who tells you to turn down moderately loud music at 10pm after she just started her first job, just know you are not alone. She doesn’t have to live in a city and could totally move to suburbia!

If you find yourself confronted with German bureaucracy for the first time, just know you are not alone. There is no logic to why you have to buy monthly train tickets in person, at a physical location, if you want to buy them after the 20th of the previous month and for the upcoming one. There is also no logic behind why you have to bring proof of residency, if you buy them in person which you do not have to provide if you buy them online or why Berlin train people only want to sell train tickets to residents. So if you find yourself hating German bureaucracy, just know that clichés are sometimes true. And if you like me, find yourself only annoyed and not threatened, remember that you're lucky.


Yara Weiss
Flughafenst. 52
12053 Berlin

Email: shout (at)

Sad face icons created by juicy_fish - Flaticon

Website made by Malte Hillebrand

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